The HDVA Consortium: such synergy makes a difference !
Herold Design and V&A Architects are working together today for the purpose of putting together a complimentary and talented team, sharing common afnities: attention to detail, minimalism, respect for place and its history, nobility of materials, spatial quality and diversity.

Thanks to our experience, and our 220 custom interior designs, Herold Design has acquired, since 1999, a recognized know-how in interior architecture.
For 20 years, we have established precious links with prestigious houses, craftsmen with centuries old know-how, the best partners in all trades, creators, galleries and artists… all selected for their talent, their seriousness, and their singularity.
The heart of Herold Design is the interior architecture… the emphasis is placed on the volumetry, the integrated layout, the concern for the balance of the rooms, the axes, the circulation, the light and finally…the placement of the furniture.
Each project is a result of passionate labor, multiple meetings, innovative solutions, with the goal of delivering the most astonishing results. In the workplace, the projects are quickly completed. Our address book is unlimited, and we are available to our private clientele 24 hours a day.
Today, Herold Design is delighted to annouce the birth of our new consortium:
-HDVA ddedicated to hotel, restaurant and business : in collaboration with the talented ofces of V&A Architects (HMONP).
V&A questions today diferent lifestyles today: to live, to work, to travel, to dine, to have fun.
Through its building projects, V&A is able to design architecture from all scales.
Their approach is that of an intelligent architecture, where the utility must be clear and immediate.
The context, the orientation, the topography, the spatial geometry, the views, the light, the relation with the surrounding environment, are meticulously examined in order to measure the main constraints and to extract all the potentiality.
The administrative aspect of each project is treated with rigor by V&A and is closely monitored throughout the development of the project. Town halls, security architects and architects from the ‘batiments de France’ are systematically consulted before the project, as well as, throughout the design process to ensure perfect ‘maitrise d’oeuvre’ or mastery.
As with Herold Design… sobriety, functionality and rationality are the values also displayed by V&A.
This approach goes hand-in-hand with the quest for a refined, efcient aesthetic guaranteeing a sustainable, cost-efective project.
Herold Design and V&A Architects are working together today for the purpose of putting together a complimentary and talented team, sharing common afnities: attention to detail, minimalism, respect for place and its history, nobility of materials, spatial quality and diversity.

The proximity of our two agencies facilitates good coordination, fluid communication and efciency in all aspects of our work. In order to respond to all the demands entrusted to us, we rely heavily on a solid network of qualified and scrutinizingly selected team members in each field of intervention: technical studies, control ofces, surveyors, craftsmen, building entrepreneurs.
HDVA was conceived to allow our clients and project owners to have a single interlocutor able to respond immediately and efectively to a dual expectation:
– an architectural firm HMONP (certification to exercise the work in his own name) in order to treat all the technical and administrative demands entrusted (the design, studies phase, the direction of the execution of the building site):
– an interior design agency working for 18 years in the design of unique high-end interiors and subsequently ensuring the coordination and monitoring of each project, from the preliminary study project to the final realization.
To choose HDVA, is the assurance of working with a partner who is listening and fully committed to the success of the project entrusted to it, from the sketch to the delivery.
Contact : Lionel BARDE